Our Services / Physiotherapy services / Sports Physiotherapy

Sports Physiotherapy

At PROmotion Health, our sports physiotherapy service is powered by a wealth of experienced clinicians who have worked with a diverse range of state and national programs. Our service is tailored to athletes of all levels, from weekend warriors to elite competitors. Our specialised approach combines evidence-based techniques with a deep understanding of sports biomechanics to optimise performance and prevent injury.

Sports Physiotherapy Services

Whether you’re recovering from a sports-related injury or seeking to enhance your athletic abilities, our team of experienced physiotherapists is here to help. We provide comprehensive assessments, personalised treatment plans, and targeted rehabilitation exercises to address your specific needs and goals.

From acute injury management to ongoing performance optimisation, we offer a range of services including manual therapy, exercise prescription, biomechanical analysis, and sports-specific training. Trust PROmotion Health to support you on your journey to peak athletic performance and overall well-being.

Common Conditions we manage include;
