Our Services / Physiotherapy services / ACL Rehabilitation & Testing

ACL Rehabilitation & Testing

Experience a comprehensive ACL testing and rehabilitation service at PROmotion Health, tailored to improve outcomes and enhance your return to play journey.

how does it work?

With ACL injuries and reconstructions becoming increasingly prevalent, particularly among younger athletes, our aim is to optimise rehabilitation outcomes through evidence-based testing and periodical assessments. Book your ACL Testing service online to embark on a journey towards recovery and performance enhancement.

Utilising the latest in strength and power testing technology, our testing protocol encompasses three levels, mirroring the progressive nature of ACL rehabilitation. Each level involves a thorough assessment of strength, biomechanics, movement control, and psychological readiness for return to play. Commencing with reviewing joint range, muscle activation, gait and movement patterning to analysing power development and agility, our assessments provide valuable insights to guide your rehabilitation journey effectively.

trust our professionals

Our team of experienced Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists collaborate with your surgical team to develop a personalised rehabilitation program tailored to your needs. Whether you’re recovering from surgery or opting for conservative rehabilitation, our goal is to support you in achieving optimal outcomes and returning to your desired level of activity safely and effectively.

If you have suffered an ACL injury, book in for an ACL assessment today.
