Our Services / Exercise Physiology / Womens & Mens Strength Circuit

Women's & Men's Strength Circuits

Our 45-minute Women’s and Men’s Strength Circuits run multiple times through the week, focusing on exercises specific to the body adaptations that occur at different stages of life.

Women's Strength Circuit

Join our Women’s Strength Circuit, a ladies-only class designed in a circuit style to promote healthy aging and combat the loss of bone density common in postmenopausal women.

Targeting the significance of weight training in aging bodies, this class facilitates everyday task completion with ease. Benefits include increased muscle mass, improved bone density, enhanced mood, and cardiovascular fitness.

Exercise alongside other women with similar goals and focus areas, fostering a supportive environment for achieving your fitness objectives.

men's strength circuit

Revitalise your strength with our Men’s Strength Circuit, tailored to combat age-related muscle decline, which can decrease by 15% every decade after our 50s.

This circuit-style class focuses on developing and maintaining strength to promote healthy aging. Benefits include preserving muscle mass, enhancing bone density, boosting cardiovascular fitness, and sustaining joint health.

Our circuit adapts to your goals and conditions, ensuring progress as you improve. Join other gentlemen in enhancing quality of life and functional capacity and experience the vitality of strength training in every aspect of life.
